Sunday, October 25, 2009

One to Watch

Its a movie! Movie? Wow! How could this be done? Acting? Oh my gosh. Its a big deal. Its sounds exciting but a little nervousy. Well, we knew we can do it.

Our movie is kinda like a teenage girl with many debts that leads herself to drunkness, because in her past life she'd been raped. And the child became like a pabigat to her life. She does'nt like her child, she make him work very hard everyday. The child worked in the family where they utangan. Inorder to pay their debts the child should work there. And in that family they're very strict. The daughter of the owner was a spoiled brat. Whenever the child would work she would make the place more topsiturvy. Making the poor boy kawawa.

The rest of what happened you will know soon. So watch our movie. Thanks.