Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camp Bataan '09

Camp Bataan has ended yet the memories lives on to each one of us who became part of it. More than seven hundred people. attended the five - day event to learn more about the environment and as the days unfold not only learnings were earned but also friendship and camaraderie.

On the first and second day, we engaged in a series of lectures and workshops that opened our eyes on the latest state of of the environment and how humans contributed to the global climate change. We also learned more on biodiversity, alternative energy and natural resources and how humans can still make a difference to save the Earth. The camp was graced by distinguished speakers who fascinated us.

The fourth day marks the very important event in the history of PSYSC. During the field trip, we adopted baby pawikans in Morong, Bataan and released them to the sea. The event was a significant representation to each of us who commit to protect the endangered species. We also visited the Aeta community in Subic and were shown basic jungle survival skills.

And the final night has come. Though we felt sad that we'll leave the camp we are equally happy for sharing the short days with everyone. We have learned and gained friends and most especially we created a memory that will last forever. And even if we miss each other, we shall not forget this line - "Long as you are in my heart, we'll never say goodbye".