Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Chapter

Life begins with a friend. In my new life, I had many new friends. We've spent a lot of time together. Sharing happiness, love, and sometimes sadness. Let me introduce to you my new friends.

Summer days were over and school was about to open. It was nearly June 1, 2009 when the first day of school started. Our first impressions to everybody is very shy, innocent, and very silent. Well, ofcourse it is because we've not yet met anybody.

But when we knew each and every student in I-Fleming. We named ourselves Flemingnianz. We were a group of loud, talkative, and ofcourse caused a lot of headaches to our dear 2nd moms and dads.

In our family in fleming we were composed of 24 girls and 9 boys. But even if the number of boys is very small, they're still more louder than us girls. And in my opinion, I think they're not real boys. They're gays!

Now, you've met my dear new friends. The new chapter of my life starts with a new friend.