Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Ambition in Life

What a man is today, and what he wants to be tomorrow, is in fact, - the ambition. This is a journey of desires which starts from "today" and aims at to reach "tomorrow". Every person has its own ambition or goals in their life to achieve it. Well, if you ask what's mine? I'll tell you what.

It started at the age of seven. I have a friend who was hospitalized because of UTI. She felt that nobody cares for her anymore. The doctor's can't cure her illness because they can't afford the billings. That's the time I've been persuaded to choose the field of becoming a nurse. This time, I will help those people who are in need. Not only those who have money to pay - but also those who have none. I want to learn more about heath care responsibility for the treatment, safety, and recovery of injured people.

I also dreamt of travelling around the world. I wanted to see different people, earn more friends, see different sights, and do different things. And also to express so many common needs and feelings.

To achieve these goals of mine - I have to finish first my studies. And try hard to become successful someday.