Sunday, October 25, 2009

One to Watch

Its a movie! Movie? Wow! How could this be done? Acting? Oh my gosh. Its a big deal. Its sounds exciting but a little nervousy. Well, we knew we can do it.

Our movie is kinda like a teenage girl with many debts that leads herself to drunkness, because in her past life she'd been raped. And the child became like a pabigat to her life. She does'nt like her child, she make him work very hard everyday. The child worked in the family where they utangan. Inorder to pay their debts the child should work there. And in that family they're very strict. The daughter of the owner was a spoiled brat. Whenever the child would work she would make the place more topsiturvy. Making the poor boy kawawa.

The rest of what happened you will know soon. So watch our movie. Thanks.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Be Beautiful: 7 Tips to Achieve Lasting Beauty

A Project in TLE by Shannin, me and Gecelle.

To have real lasting beauty, it must come from without and from within. Here are seven tips on how to achieve lasting beauty.

Practice Good Grooming and Hygiene

First impressions are always important. Do you project a good initial impression? Good grooming is an important first step to a truly beautiful person. Regular care of your nails,hair,teeth,and all other parts of your body are essential. A daily bath and a good deodorant will provide freedom from unpleasant body odors; good dental hygiene will free you from unpleasant bad breath. Consult a doctor if there is a medical problem.

Improve Your Posture

This refers to the way you stand, sit and move. A good posture makes you feel more confident, improves your voice and your health too.Stand erect, on both feet with your chin parallel to the ground. Look at people when you talk to them and greet them with a sincere smile. Avoid slouching when you sit.

Develop a Good Fashion Sense

Your clothes should be clean and well pressed. They should project classic styles and an overall modest appearance. Avoid trendy or daring outifts and overly revealing clothes. They will send the wrong signal and probably attract the wrong persons, too. Strike a good balance in clothing styles- they should be conservative, middle of the road and projecting a quiet elegance.

Have a Positive Disposition

Learn to look at the bright side of things. If life gives you lemons, learn to make lemonade out of them. Always look at a glass of water “half full, and not half empty”.

Be Outward Looking

Serve others and focus on their needs. In doing so,you will forget yourself and will not be as self-conscious about yourself anymore.

Develop a Sense of Humor

Don't be too serious and learn to lighten up. Read some good jokes and try to remember them. Learn to laugh at yourself, too. Life has enough troubles and you don’t need to add to them.

Dwell on the Beautiful Side of Life

Shy away from gutter language. You could be the most beautiful person on earth but foul language will quickly demolish that image. Whenever you speak, try to be encouraging and genuinely edifying.Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

As you do these things, beauty will well up inside of you. Then it will overflow and just naturally radiate. You won't need to exert effort to try to look cute or attractive. Beauty will naturally radiate from you. You will no longer care for superficial and fleeting good looks. Because an inner voice will speak and tell you that:

You are beautiful,

Because of what you are inside.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Journey to Cherish

I dreamt of travelling around the world. I wanted to see different people, different sights, and do different things. In my life, I've been to some places here in the Philippines. And one journey I would never forget is this.

It started in a peaceful town named Tandag. Together with my friends, we've travelled a long road to Awasian. It was a huge place filled with hullabaloo.

Continuing our journey is to the airport. We've seen a lot. It was amazing. We'd been chased by cows. We've ran as fast as we can going to the village. It was really tyring and very horrendous. But we've all had fun.

But in spite of these situations, we've experienced a lot. Not only fun but also learnings and camaraderie.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Elementary Years

Elementary years had ended yet our memories cherished to each one of us who became part of it. More than 32 students graduated at SDS SPED School Center. A school for primary education. It was a place filled with happiness.

The loud, crowded room was filled with laughter. The long bonding with our teachers and classmates. All those, had just been blown by the wind. Oh! How we wish we could recall all those memories we've spent together.

And the final day has come. Though we felt sad that we'll leave our school. Still we have learned and gained friends and most especially we created a memory that will last forever.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Chapter

Life begins with a friend. In my new life, I had many new friends. We've spent a lot of time together. Sharing happiness, love, and sometimes sadness. Let me introduce to you my new friends.

Summer days were over and school was about to open. It was nearly June 1, 2009 when the first day of school started. Our first impressions to everybody is very shy, innocent, and very silent. Well, ofcourse it is because we've not yet met anybody.

But when we knew each and every student in I-Fleming. We named ourselves Flemingnianz. We were a group of loud, talkative, and ofcourse caused a lot of headaches to our dear 2nd moms and dads.

In our family in fleming we were composed of 24 girls and 9 boys. But even if the number of boys is very small, they're still more louder than us girls. And in my opinion, I think they're not real boys. They're gays!

Now, you've met my dear new friends. The new chapter of my life starts with a new friend.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

lAst mEmorIes

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Miracle of Friendship

There is a Miracle
Called Friendship
That dwells within the heart
And you don't know
How it happens
Or when it even starts

But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift
And you realize that
Friendship is God's most precious gift

Camp Bataan '09

Camp Bataan has ended yet the memories lives on to each one of us who became part of it. More than seven hundred people. attended the five - day event to learn more about the environment and as the days unfold not only learnings were earned but also friendship and camaraderie.

On the first and second day, we engaged in a series of lectures and workshops that opened our eyes on the latest state of of the environment and how humans contributed to the global climate change. We also learned more on biodiversity, alternative energy and natural resources and how humans can still make a difference to save the Earth. The camp was graced by distinguished speakers who fascinated us.

The fourth day marks the very important event in the history of PSYSC. During the field trip, we adopted baby pawikans in Morong, Bataan and released them to the sea. The event was a significant representation to each of us who commit to protect the endangered species. We also visited the Aeta community in Subic and were shown basic jungle survival skills.

And the final night has come. Though we felt sad that we'll leave the camp we are equally happy for sharing the short days with everyone. We have learned and gained friends and most especially we created a memory that will last forever. And even if we miss each other, we shall not forget this line - "Long as you are in my heart, we'll never say goodbye".

My Ambition in Life

What a man is today, and what he wants to be tomorrow, is in fact, - the ambition. This is a journey of desires which starts from "today" and aims at to reach "tomorrow". Every person has its own ambition or goals in their life to achieve it. Well, if you ask what's mine? I'll tell you what.

It started at the age of seven. I have a friend who was hospitalized because of UTI. She felt that nobody cares for her anymore. The doctor's can't cure her illness because they can't afford the billings. That's the time I've been persuaded to choose the field of becoming a nurse. This time, I will help those people who are in need. Not only those who have money to pay - but also those who have none. I want to learn more about heath care responsibility for the treatment, safety, and recovery of injured people.

I also dreamt of travelling around the world. I wanted to see different people, earn more friends, see different sights, and do different things. And also to express so many common needs and feelings.

To achieve these goals of mine - I have to finish first my studies. And try hard to become successful someday.

La Familia

As we've all known a family is a small society of people, which is composed mainly of a mother, father and its siblings. We cannot choose our family it's GOD's most precious gift to us. Now let me share a short composition of mine about my dearest family.

It started last January 6, 1994. That was the day when my older brother was born, which is also the time they've been called as a family.

My mother, Ana Geran V. Millan took her first breath last May 11, 1964. With her loving mother and father, Angela Prado and Geronimo Valenton - which had already been divorced. My mother is currently working as a Secondary teacher at Jacinto P. Elpa National High School. She'd been a great wife to tatay and also been a good mother to us.

Next up is my father, Adelardo S. Millan - named by his parents, Paterna S. Millan and Mauro Millan. His father already died. Still that stumbling block of his' did not force him to stop learning but made as his inspiration and now he's a good principal in Tago Purisima National High School and a caring father to his three siblings.

After them is their ducklings. The first duckling is my older brother, Maurice Gerome V. Millan. He'd been living in this myterious world for about 15 years which had been currently studying at JPENHS. Well ofcourse he's a concerned brother to his other ducklings.

Followed after two years, is me - Queenie Anne V. Millan (hello). I'm still a girl with a lot of dreams. And I'm learning in a huge school called JPENHS. Ofcourse I'm a girl with an attitude.

Then another duckling is born last June 25, 1998 - Jo anne V. Millan. She's kinda pasaway girl. Which is a freakout student of Tandag Pilot Elementary School. She's a girl with stuffy things.

Lastly, my other family - my friends. We've spent a lot of time together. We knew were not connected by blood. But there's always a place for them in my heart and in my family as a part of it.

Class Reunion

Class reunions can be nerve-racking but usually end up exhilarating – renewing friendships, sharing memories of the days when we were "young and innocent."
This was one reunion we couldn't miss. Sure it would be great to see classmates again after so many months; but a reunion in Gold bar, Tandag City was almost providential. A calling to discover part of the city we hadn't seen while finding roots to the old world. Getting us all together was most important.

The long, crowded room was filled with friendship, laughter, good cheer and fond memories as gray-headed, thick-waisted men and women reached back to recall only good moments and buoyant times when we groped together toward adulthood.